Important News


Annual Assessments Due Dates

The recent Ainaloa Community Association mailing of annual assessment dues shows a due date of July 31, 2024. This due date is correct per the Bylaws Article XIV, Section 5 that states:

“Each annual assessment shall be due and payable on or before July 31st of each year.”

At some point in the past, a prior board moved the due date to September for reasons that are unknown. We are required to follow the Declarations
of Covenants and Restrictions, Charter of Incorporation, Bylaws, and all County, State and Federal laws and will do so to our best ability. Therefore, we are making this correction in the best interest of all the

The reason for this due date is connected to the fiscal year of “July 1st of one year to June 30th of the next year” (Bylaws Article I, Section 5). At the annual meeting each year, “. . . first Monday of March each year . . .” (Article III, Section 1). The budget for the next fiscal year is approved by the members at the annual meeting. The income to support that budget is primarily obtained from annual assessments paid by the members.

Thank you,
Ainaloa Community Association Board


Notice and Agenda – Ainaloa Community Association Special Meeting

Tuesday, April 16th. 2024
6:00 pm – Ainaloa Longhouse

A. Call to Order
B. Approval for Additional Funding for Purchase of Tractor
C. Adjourn


The Ainaloa Association tractor is currently down. The Association is working diligently with getting the tractor up and running again. We will update the community later with an update. We apologize for any inconvenience to our community. We appreciate the community’s patience with this matter.


2/12/2024: The Ainaloa Community Association Board has accepted Randy Kilhoffer’s resignation as President. He will continue board service until the completion of his term. Judy Haney has been chosen to serve as President through the election of board members at the Annual Meeting to be held on March 4, 2024.

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