Board Members

PRESIDENT – RANDY KILHOFFER: For the past 36 years I have lived in Ainaloa and have served the community as a volunteer firefighter since the inception of the Ainaloa 10-Delta company. For approximately 18 months I have served, at the will of the Board, as Association President. I have worked in concrete construction for over fifty years. My highest priority is the maintenance and improvements of our roads, including regular grooming of easements and the improvement of our soft surface roads. The Board works to satisfy the mandate of the membership to pave one additional road each year. Equally important is partnering with the U.S. Postal system to assist us in the expansion of our mailbox capacity. I appreciate the people’s trust in allowing me to continue to serve the Ainaloa community as a Board member.

VICE PRESIDENT – JUDY HANEY: I was born and raised on Oahu and graduated from Kailua High School. I worked at Castle Medical Center for 10 years processing patient billing. I transplanted to the Big Island in 1997. I then went to work for the North Hawaii Community Hospital until retiring in 2007 and built my home in Ainaloa. After the storm “Iselle” hit in 2014 with massive damage caused by fallen Albizia trees, my neighbor and I formed a non-profit called “Albizia Be Gone” and sent letters to property owners for permission to cut and poison trees on their property. After a few years of rest, Becky Jones and I restarted Ainaloa’s “Neighborhood Watch.” We meet the first Tuesday of each month with close contact with our Community Police Officer. We also attend the “Puna Watch” meetings once a month with other associations to work on community problems with our council person.

SECRETARY – JOYCE HARRIS: As an eight-year resident of Ainaloa, I am pleased to have served on your Board of Directors for the past year. I am retired from two separate careers: one as the Executive Assistant to the President of a California College, and the second as Vice President of Human Resources for a nationwide company. The first of these demanded excellent organizational skills; the second required sensitivity to the needs of people. These two qualities have enabled me to manage multiple priorities for Ainaloa, and to approach complex situations with clarity and sensitivity. It was greatly satisfying to plan and implement the installations of lighting and security camera system now operational at our Mail Center. The people of Ainaloa have shown themselves to be sincere, good and decent people who deserve a Board that works hard to make living here pleasant and wholesome. Thank you for your trust in me.

ASSISTANT SECRETARY – MICHAEL DODGE: I was born in Michigan. I have lived in Hawaii for 18 years and am a Financial Advisor and Licensed Insurance Agent.Β 

TREASURER – MICHAEL PIPTA: Aloha! My name is Michael Pipta and I am happy to represent Ainaloa Community Association as a Board Member. I currently serve as Treasurer and in that role, my job is to ensure that the budgets and expenditures for the Association – mostly, collection of road fees, completion of the roads, groundskeeper, general operations, and payroll – align with our approved budgets. I have been a resident of Ainaloa since 2015 and chose the neighborhood because of the Association. I work as a realtor with Coldwell Banker Island Realty and in my spare time, I enjoy swimming, biking, and running and I have completed 3 ironman triathlons.Β 

ASSISTANT TREASURER – EDWARD EISERMANN: I’ve been married for 24 years to my wife Tina and have 6 children. For the past 12 years I have worked in multi-unit management for convenience stores and restaurants. In these 12 years I was in charge of budgeting and finance, human resources, training, and total profit and loss of my locations. I previously held positions on the board of directors in Texas where we resided those 12 years. I have moved to Hawaii in December of 2021 and it will be a pleasure working with our community.

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